Scheme of delegation Please see the documents below for St John Plessington Catholic College Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 1 - Table of Roles and Responsibilities SJP Scheme of Delegation - St John Plessington Catholic College Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 2 - SJP - Model LGB Constitution Please see the documents below for St Mary’s Catholic College Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 1 - Table of Roles and Responsibilities SMCC Scheme of Delegation - St Mary's Catholic College Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 2 - SMCC - Model LGB Constitution In This Section Trust Governance Directors at Meetings Board of Directors Governance Overview Code of Conduct Members Scheme of Delegation Local Governing Bodies Conflicts of Interests Please see the documents below for St Bernard’s R.C. Primary School Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 1 - Table of Roles and Responsibilities St Bernard's Scheme of Delegation - St Bernard's RC Primary School Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 2 - St Bernard's - Model LGB Constitution Please see the documents below for Our Lady of Pity Primary school Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 1 - Table of Roles and Responsibilities OLOP Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 2 - Our Lady of Pity - Model LGB Constitution Scheme of Delegation - Our Lady of Pity Please see the documents below for St Joseph’s R.C. Primary School Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 1 - Table of Roles and Responsibilities St Joseph's Scheme of Delegation - St Joseph's Primary School Scheme of Delegation - Appendix 2 - St Joseph's Catholic - Model LGB Constitution